Buy Bricksite Premium — Unlock your website's true potential
What is Bricksite Premium?
PREMIUM is for you who wish to display the website on your very own domain. An individual subscription is required for every website with a domain. Each upgraded website may have an unlimited number of domains attached. You may choose between our monthly and annual plans. By purchasing a subscription you enter into an agreement with Bricksite, where you allow us to withdraw payment automatically at the end of the subscription period, until you actively terminate the subscription.
Buy Bricksite Premium
Press the three dots (•••) on the appropriate website and select Upgrade to Premium.

On the next page choose the Montly or the Annual plan.
Verify the price and the contents of the card before you proceed to Checkout.
Enter your personal data and payment details, or choose from the list if you entered it before.
Complete the payment.
Your payment card must be 3D Secure enabled if you live in the EU/EEA. Contact your card issuer or Customer Support if you have questions.
If the payment goes through you will see a confirmation dialog, and you will receive a receipt of payment and a welcome email from Bricksite.
Remember to attach the domain to the website.
Updated on: 15/06/2022
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